d a v e h a l v e r s o n . c o m
h o m e . m u s i c . r e c o r d i n g  n o t e s . e q u i p m e n t . o t h e r  p r o j e c t s . r e v i e w s . c o n t a c t

...Recording Notes...

1. Sirens
2. Lurch's Harpsichord
3. That Sinking Feeling I
4. Gravity
5. Oleander Bisque
6. Put Your Trust in Fairy Dust
7. Metafizz
8. Mourning Doves
9. Subroutine
10. The Parade
11. India
12. Only a Dramatization
13. That Sinking Feeling II
14. Praise

      Shapelifter was recorded over a period of several years in my studio, which was situated in a forest of bamboo near my home. The music was influenced by this environment. Although it was only 30 steps to the real world, it could sometimes seem so secluded, often with a good effect on creativity, focus, and perception of reality. I made a conscious effort to find unusual sounds and incorporate the guitar synthesizer, which I had not used on the previous few projects. Richard Bugbee (piano, keys) added his unique perspective to two tracks (saloon piano on 2, synthesizer on 12).