d a v e h a l v e r s o n . c o m
h o m e . m u s i c . r e c o r d i n g  n o t e s . e q u i p m e n t . o t h e r  p r o j e c t s . r e v i e w s . c o n t a c t

...Recording Notes...

1. April
2. Balloons
3. Unbridled
4. Leaving
5. A Mother's Sorrow
6. Jorge and Juan Carlos
7. Peace
8. Dust
9. Everafter
10. Vision
11. Blue

     Arise was recorded from October 1993 to December 1995 at Altra Mix Productions in St. Louis, MO, using 16-bit ADAT machines. Additional drum tracking was done at Axent Productions.

     The album developed slowly with the help of engineer and co-producer Paul Su. In most cases, the tracking for each song was completed before moving on to the next song. Most of the songs were already in mind when the recording began, although the concept of the band was not. One of the goals was to put together different types of songs and a variety of textures without adhering to a preconceived picture of the whole. The album took a long time to complete, due in part to working somewhat sporadically over a two-year period.