d a v e h a l v e r s o n . c o m
h o m e . m u s i c . r e c o r d i n g  n o t e s . e q u i p m e n t . o t h e r  p r o j e c t s . r e v i e w s . c o n t a c t


The newly remastered Unrevisited Live will be released in April. Technology not available when the album was originally released (2007) inspired me to revisit this special collection of Trance Lucid live recordings and allowed the music to be presented with greater sonics, dimension, and clarity.


In memory of my friend Bryon Thompson, an outstanding musician, visual artist, and human being. His art is beautiful, and his instrumental guitar music is guaranteed to lift your spirit. You can look, listen, support his family, and honor his legacy here:



April 2025............Unrevisited Live (remastered) (Trance Lucid)

June 2024.............................................A Random Forest

June 2019.........................................................Shapelifter

March 2018...........................Terra Kharma (Sea Rocket Jasmine)

October 2014............................The Window (Sea Rocket Jasmine)

June 2013....................................Palace of Ether (Trance Lucid)

September 2009..............................................................1991

October 2008..........................................Apothecary Charms

December 2007..........................Unrevisited Live (Trance Lucid)

November 2006..................................................March Forth

March 2005...................The Colours of Darkness (Trance Lucid)

September 2003........................................Fragments of What

August 2000...............................................Vigil (Trance Lucid)

January 1996.............................................Arise (Trance Lucid)